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- CollectionPA 3 - Tjitendero collection
- SeriesPA 3/6 - SERIALS
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- SubseriesPA 3/6/133 - Yale University: Southern African research program newsletter #19. - New Haven: Yale University, 1994.
- SubseriesPA 3/6/134 - Zambia Educational Review. - Lusaka: Department of Education, School of Education, 1987.
- SubseriesPA 3/6/135 - Zambia Museums Journal. - Livingstone: The National Museums Board of Zambia, 1970.
- SubseriesPA 3/6/136 - Zambian museum papers-2: Kamangoza, an introduction to the Iron Age cultures of the Victoria Falls region / Joseph O. Vogel. - Nairobi: Oxford University Press, 1971.
- SubseriesPA 3/6/137 - The Zimbabwe Science News. - Salisbury: The Zimbabwe Scientific Association, 1981.