UNAM Archives


Various: 1974 – 1982, - ‘Namibia: from incorporation to controlled change’ by André du Pisani - ‘N Kritiese Beoordeling van SWAPO se beoogde Bestel’ by Pirre Nel, 1980 - ‘Zimbabwe 1980: Politicisation through armed struggle and electoral mobilization’ by Martyn Gregory, 1981 PA 2/2/6 ARTICLES (Cont.) - ‘Die Stigting van ‘N Konfederasie van state in Suider-Afrika’ by Kantoor van die Eerste Minister, 1982 - ‘Namibia – some reflections on scenario generation’ by André du Pisani, n.d. - ‘Constitutional change in South Africa’ – proceeding of a Conference on Constitutional Models and Constitutional Change in South Africa, University of Natal, 1978 - ‘On interpreting the history of Afrikaner political thinking: some problems and issues’ by André du Toit, 1979 - ‘On the question “How ought the world to be organized?’ Is not taken seriously in international relations’ by Mervyn Frost, n.d. - ‘The impact of Zimbabwe’s independence on South Africa’s position in the Southern African region’ by GC Olivier, n.d. (2 dra

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