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- CollectionPA 2 - du Pisani Collection
- SeriesPA 2/2 - Articles 1950-1991
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- FilePA 2/2/2 - Various articles in one folder: 1969 - 1980, - ‘Some aspects of animal husbandry in Kavango’ by André du Pisani, 1978 - ‘A document for the history of African Nationalism: A Frelimo “White Paper” by Dr Eduardo C. Mondlane (1920-1969), 1969 - ‘A look at African Literature in the Portuguese Language’ by Joan E Collemacine, 1977 - ‘Afrikanerdom – sulla soglia del – laager: motive della rigidita del regime razziale sudaafricano’ by Emanuale Russo, 1977 - ‘SWA/Namibie: problem en beleidskeuses verbonde aan politieke oorgang’ by André du Pisani. Occasional Paper, The South African Institute of International Affairs, Dec 1979 - ‘Namibia since Geneva’ by André du Pisani. Occasional Paper, The South African Institute of International Affairs, Nov 1981 - ‘The internal situation in South West Africa’ by Bryan O’linn, 1973 - ‘The future of South West Africa/Namibia: A Symposium’ by John Barratt, Willie Breytenbach, Gerhard Totemeyer, Lucas de Vries. Occasional Paper, The South African Institute of International Affairs,
- FilePA 2/2/3 - Various articles with no specific theme: 1977 - 1991, Washington stops fighting itself over South Africa’ by Simon Barber, 1989 - Kommentaar op “Self-determination in African politics” by Dr GS Labuschagne, n.d. - ‘Self-determination in African politics’ by WJ Breytenbach – comments by Andre du Pisani, n.d. - ‘Self-determination in African politics’ by WJ Breytenbach, 1978 - ‘Prospects for a settlement in Namibia: a note on South Africa’s perceptions towards Namibian decolonization and independence’ by André du Pisani, 1980 - Published: Strategy Research – Confidential Report, vol. 1, Nov. 1977 - SWA/Namibia: the politics of fragmentation’ by André du Pisani, 1978 - ‘A survey of the diplomatic efforts to reach an internationally acceptable solution to the Namibian problem in 1980 – an overview’ by André du Pisani, n.d. - ‘Namibia: on Brinkmanship, conflict and self-interest – the collapse of the UN-plan’ by André du Pisani, n.d. - ‘Namibia – some reflections on scenario generation’ by André du Pisani, n.d. -
- FilePA 2/2/4 - Various articles with no specific theme: 1950 - 1990, - SWA/Namibia: Rudimentary Fact(s) & Figures by André du Pisani, n.d. - Hunt for dissidents (Zimbabwe) in Africa no. 109, Sept 1980 - Sudliches Afrika, from Africa Post, Feb 1979 - Wir warden die Macht nicht teilen – Spiegel – Interview mit SWAPO-Chef Sam Nujoma, 31 July 1978 - Namibia: Nach der Wahl..Was dann?, from Africa Post, Mar 1978 - Fur die demikratische Zukunft Namibias, from Africa Post, Oct 1978 - Suidwesafrika/Namibia - Die veerigtinde en Bevindindinge vam die komitee Ingestel in Terme van artikel 3 (3) (a)van Proklamasie - ‘Repercussions: Zambia, Rhodesia and South West Africa’ by Prof. B Cockram - 23rd Regular Session of the United Nations General assembly (1968), April 1969 - Notes and comments – the legal status of Walvis Bay, from the South African Yearbook of International Law, vol. 2, 1976 PA 2/2/4 ARTICLES (Cont.) - Documents on Walvis Bay - ‘Political origins of the NIEO’ by Richard E Bissell - South West Africa (Namibia): a human ta
- FilePA 2/2/5 - Various articles with no specific theme: 1976 - 1991, Das Ende der Ein-Parteien-Herrschaft?’ – Reinhart Kobler/Henning Melber, 1991 - ‘Namibia: Policy at the crossroads’ – an address to the Pretoria Branch of the South African Institute of International Affairs, by Sean Cleary, 1987 - ‘Mediation in Southern Africa: Exploring the future’ by André du Pisani, n.d. - ‘Namibia since Geneva’ by André du Pisani, Occasional Paper, The South African Institute of International Affairs, 1981 - Untitled document – [Constitution of Namibia] (English & Afrikaans versions) - ‘Namibia/South Africa relations since independence’ by Graham Evans, 1991 - ‘Namibia: The state of the struggle’ by Reginald Herbold Green, n.d. - ‘Perestroika im Suden Afrikas – Namibia wird unabhangig’ by Heribert Weiland, n.d. - ‘People in power’ by Peter Kenny, 1990 - ‘The South African intervention in Angola 1975-76’ by Robin Hallett, 1978 - ‘White SWA group calls for pressure on SA’ from the Citizen, 1987 - ‘Cuba and Angola’ by Gillian Gunn, 1987
- FilePA 2/2/6 - Various: 1974 – 1982, - ‘Namibia: from incorporation to controlled change’ by André du Pisani - ‘N Kritiese Beoordeling van SWAPO se beoogde Bestel’ by Pirre Nel, 1980 - ‘Zimbabwe 1980: Politicisation through armed struggle and electoral mobilization’ by Martyn Gregory, 1981 PA 2/2/6 ARTICLES (Cont.) - ‘Die Stigting van ‘N Konfederasie van state in Suider-Afrika’ by Kantoor van die Eerste Minister, 1982 - ‘Namibia – some reflections on scenario generation’ by André du Pisani, n.d. - ‘Constitutional change in South Africa’ – proceeding of a Conference on Constitutional Models and Constitutional Change in South Africa, University of Natal, 1978 - ‘On interpreting the history of Afrikaner political thinking: some problems and issues’ by André du Toit, 1979 - ‘On the question “How ought the world to be organized?’ Is not taken seriously in international relations’ by Mervyn Frost, n.d. - ‘The impact of Zimbabwe’s independence on South Africa’s position in the Southern African region’ by GC Olivier, n.d. (2 dra
- FilePA 2/2/7 - Various: 1973 – 1980, The Namibian predicament: a study in the pathology of change’ by André du Pisani, n.d. - ‘On interpreting the history of Afrikaner political thinking: some problems and issues’ by André du Toit, 1979 - ‘Independence and beyond – Namibia’s future in perspective’ by Thomas Wolfgang H, n.d. - Die aard, Wese en Toekomstttige Ontwikkeling van die Akademie vir Terstiere Onderways van SWA/Namibie, n.d. - Openbare Finansies en Die Sakeweheld in SWA/Namibie, n.d. - ‘United States reiterates support for the independence of Namibia and Zimbabwe at Maputo Conference’, 1977 - ‘Die Arbeidsituasie in Suidwes-Africa’ deur Rauha Voipio, 1973 - ‘Urbanisation in Africa’ by Joan Vincent, 1976 - ‘Suidwes-Afrka-saak en die volkereg’ by AC Cilliers, 1971 - ‘Catching game in South West Africa’ by JM Hofmeyer, n.d. - ‘Ornithological research in South West Africa’ by RAC Jenses PA 2/2/7 ARTICLES (Cont.) - ‘Independence and beyond: Namibia’s future in perspective’ by Wolfgang H Thomas, 1980 - ‘Die rol van Owambo
- FilePA 2/2/8 - Various: 1977 – 1984, - ‘Enter the twilight of corporate rule’ by André du Pisani, n.d. - ‘Dimensions of militarization: separate development, state structures and the rise of the military in South Africa’ by Annette Seegers, 1984 - ‘The Soviet Union in Sub-Saharan Africa: Past achievements and future prospects’ by Robert Schrire, n.d. - ‘Dependency theory in Southern Africa: some aspects of migrant labour’ by JFdev Graaff, 1982 PA 2/2/8 ARTICLES (Cont.) - ‘The state of international theory: the Machiavelli option’ by Michael R Sinclair, 1982 - ‘The setting of South Africa’s foreign policy before Zimbabwe’ by Deon Geldenhuys - ‘Namibia: scenarios for change’ by André du Pisani, n.d. - Comment on ‘Interdependence and counter-revolution: the advent of Zimbabwe and South Africa’s “Total Strategy”’ by Philip Frankel, 1980 - ‘Conflict in the South’ by I William Zartman, 1979 - Namibia old and new’ by Gerhard Totemeyer, 1978 - ‘On interpreting the history of Afrikaner political thinking: some problems and is
- FilePA 2/2/9 - Various: 1950 – 1991, - ‘South Africa: the struggle intensifies’ by Bernard Magubane, 1986 - ‘Race and Counter-Revolution: South Africa’s ‘Total Strategy’ by Philip Frankel, 1981 - ‘Angola: ideology and pragmatism in foreign policy’ by Oye Ogunbbadejo, 1981 - The war the world forgot –‘SOFer in Angola, Part I’ from Soldier o Fortune, 1981 PA 2/2/9 ARTICLES (Cont.) - ‘Poker um Suidwesafrika’ by Adolf Brinkman, (includes interview with Daniel Tjongarero, 1982 - ‘Zimbabwe: retrospect and prospect’ by Douglas G Anglin, 1980 - ‘Namibia and nuclear proliferation’ by AW Singham, 1981 - ‘Angola: another strain on the western alliance’ by David Watt, 1981 - ‘Soviet coercive diplomacy: Saudi Arabia’ by Peter Vanneman and Martin James, 1981 - ‘The thorns of Portuguese revolution’ by Kenneth Maxwell, 1976 - Interview with Olusegun Obasanjo, From Africa Report, 1988 - ‘The Mozambique National Resistance Movement (RENAMO): A study in the destruction of an African country’ by Margaret Hall, n.d. - South West Africa/Namib