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- CollectionPA 5 - Henderson collection
- SeriesPA 5/3 - Booklets
- ItemPA 5/3/6 - ITTP Educational Reports, Dickson, Betty, The Arrangement of the Classroom and the Use of Teaching Material, Vol.1.No.7, University of Umea, Sweden: 1990
- 9 more...
- ItemPA 5/3/42 - United Nations Institute for Namibia (UNIN): Liberation Knowledge Service, Singini, Richard, Namibia: a summary of facts and figures, Information and Documentation Division, UNIN, Lusaka, Zambia, December 1984
- ItemPA 5/3/43 - University of Namibia, Language Centre Proposal, University of Namibia:1993
- ItemPA 5/3/44 - University of Namibia, Language Centre:1998 (2 copies)
- ItemPA 5/3/45 - University of Namibia, Strategic Planning and Development Unit, Two Year Priority Work Programme, January 1994-December 1995, University of Namibia, November:1993
- ItemPA 5/3/46 - University of Namibia, Faculty of Education Yearbook 1994, University of Namibia, Windhoek:1994
- ItemPA 5/3/47 - Von Garnier, Christine, Katutura Revisited, Roman Catholic Church, Windhoek, Namibia:1986