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- CollectionPA 3 - Tjitendero collection
- SeriesPA 3/6 - SERIALS
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- SubseriesPA 3/6/103 - Quarterly bulletin of events and activities in Southern Africa. - Windhoek: A Publication of the Policy Monitoring Unit, c/o UNICEF-Namibia, 1992.
- SubseriesPA 3/6/104 - Research Bulletin: journal for the SAPRHS = Navorsings bulletin: tydskrif vir die SAPGN. - Pretoria: Human Sciences Research Council, Institute for Research Development, 1986.
- SubseriesPA 3/6/105 - Revue Roumaine d' Etudes Internationales. - Bucarest: Association de Droit International et Relations Internationales(adiri), 1992.
- SubseriesPA 3/6/106 - Rolig papir 35: Educational strategies in multilingual contexts. - Roskilde : Roskilde Universitetscenter, 1985.
- SubseriesPA 3/6/107 - Romanian Review. - Bucharest: Foreign Languages Press Group "Romania", 1992.
- SubseriesPA 3/6/108 - Rotunda. - New York: The American Museum of Natural History, 1984-1985.
- SubseriesPA 3/6/109 - Rossing News. - Swakopmund : Rossing Uranium Limited, 1992-1993.
- SubseriesPA 3/6/110 - SAIRR Topical Briefing: social and economic update. - Braamfontein: The South African Institute of Race Relations, 1987-1988.
- SubseriesPA 3/6/111 - Sanctions dilemmas: some implications of economic sanctions against South Africa / Kenneth Hermele, Bertil Oden. - Uppsala: Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, 1988. - (Discussion paper; 1).
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