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- FondsPA 4 - United Nations Institute for Namibia (UNIN) collection
- SubfondsPA 4/1 - NAMIBIANA
- SeriesPA 4/1/3 - Series C: UN Council for Namibia records
- SubseriesPA 4/1/3/2 - Missions of the council
- FilePA 4/1/3/2/2 - 02-02 Mission of the Council to Eastern Europe: 1981
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- ItemPA 4/1/3/2/2/13 - 02-02 Eastern Europea mission - Miriam Freedman (principal Secretary), Notes/miscellaneous, 1981
- ItemPA 4/1/3/2/2/14 - 02-02 Eastern Europe Press Release, 1981
- ItemPA 4/1/3/2/2/15 - 02-02 Eastern Europe mission - First draft reports for various countries, 1981
- ItemPA 4/1/3/2/2/16 - Box with various items: Report of the UN Council for Namibia, vol 1; Report of the IAEA, 1981; various letters; Decolonization - a publication of the UN Dept of Political Affairs; Final Communique of the Frontline States Summit meeting, Luanda, 15 Apr 1981
- ItemPA 4/1/3/2/2/17 - Resolutions and Decisions adopted by the General assembly during its Thirty-Fourth Session, 18 Sept 1979 to 7 Jan 1980
- ItemPA 4/1/3/2/2/18 - Eastern Europe mission - reports