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- CollectionPA 3 - Tjitendero collection
- SubseriesPA 3/5/1 - Namibiana
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- ItemPA 3/5/1/21 - Walvis Bay: Namibia's Port / Richard Moorsom. - London: International defence & Aid Fund for Southern Africa in cooperation with the United Council for Namibia, 1984.
- ItemPA 3/5/1/22 - 100 Jahre Deutscher Kolonialismus: Teill: Namibias Kolonialisierung und Kolonialtraditionen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland am Beispiel Bremens / Dorothea Litzba, Helga Merkelbach. - Koln: Pahl-Rugenstein Verlag, 1984. - (Demokratische Erziehung Unterrichtseinheiten; 18).
- ItemPA 3/5/1/23 - The impact of school fees or free education on democratization of education: report to UNESCO of a study on "The impact of school fees or the provision of free education on the democratization of education at different levels" / A. Mauno Mbamba - Stockholm: Institute of International Education, 1985.
- ItemPA 3/5/1/24 - Namibia: A Provisional list of titles in the libraries of the CHR. Michelsen Institute and the Scandinavian Institute of African studies / Richard J.B. Moorsom.- Bergen: CHR. Michelsen Institute, 1985. (DERAP working papers; A 348). ISSN 0800-2045
- ItemPA 3/5/1/25 - Namibiana : A current list / Tore Linne Ericksen. - Oslo: Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, 1985. - 154 p. Presented to the seminar on Namibian bibliography and documentation, held at the UN Institute for Namibia, Lusaka, 19-22 November 1985.
- ItemPA 3/5/1/26 - Annual report 1985. - Elverum: Namibia association of Norway, 1985.
- ItemPA 3/5/1/27 - History past and present for SWA/Namibia schools / C.B. Botha, C.E. Kotze, E. van Staden. - Windhoek: Gamsberg, 1985. ISBN: 0-86848-305-2
- ItemPA 3/5/1/28 - Probleme eines Bildungssystems unter Apartheidsbedingungen: Dargestellt Am Beispiel Namibias / Maria Muck. - Nurnberg, 1985. - 80 p. : ill. + maps - Germany, Nurnberg, Fachhochschule Nurnberg, Fachbereich Sozialwesen, 1985/86.
- ItemPA 3/5/1/29 - Our Namibia: a social studies textbook 1 / Henning Melber. - London: Zed Books Ltd., 1983/84.
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