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- CollectionPA 5 - Henderson collection
- SeriesPA 5/2 - Books
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- ItemPA 5/2/8 - Katzao, John, Mbumba, Nagolo, Pateman, Helgard, Van Staden, Eddie and Tait, David, Understanding History 8, Book 1, Early History of Namibia and Africa, Longman Namibia, 1991
- ItemPA 5/2/9 - Liberation Support Movement (Ed.) Namibia: SWAPO Fights for Freedom, LSM Information Center, Oakland, California, USA:1978
- ItemPA 5/2/10 - International Defence and Aid Fund for Southern Africa, Namibia: the facts, 1980
- ItemPA 5/2/11 - ITTP students, Stories from the Struggle, Integrated Teacher Training Programme, Department of Education, University of Umea, Sweden:1991 (3copies)
- ItemPA 5/2/12 - Ministry of Education and Culture in collaboration with ODA and the British Council, Papers from the Namibia National Conference on the Implementation of the Language Policy in Schools, June 1992, Longman Namibia: 1993 (2copies
- ItemPA 5/2/13 - Ministry of Education and Culture in collaboration with ODA and the British Council, Preliminary Draft of the Working Group Proposals, Longman Namibia, April 1993 (2 copies)
- ItemPA 5/2/14 - Ministry of Education and Culture, Let’s Speak English Book 1, New Namibia Books, Windhoek,1992
- ItemPA 5/2/15 - Ministry of Education and Culture, Let’s Speak English Book 2, New Namibia Books, Windhoek,1992
- ItemPA 5/2/16 - Mwase, R.L. Transport and Communications in Namibia: some policy considerations, United Nations Institute for Namibia, Lusaka, Zambia:1989
- 13 more...