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- CollectionPA 1 - Katjavivi collection
- SeriesPA 1/16 - Speeches and Memoranda: 1965-1987
- FilePA 1/16/2 - SWAPO: 1965-1969. Includes petitions and memoranda by SWAPO to several bodies and interest groups including the OAU Liberation Committee, Human Rights & Apartheid, UN Commission on Colonialism and other UN bodies.
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- ItemPA 1/16/2/5 - Human Rights and Apartheid Policies in Namibia (South West Africa), by the London office of the South West Africa People’s Organization (SWAPO). 1967 ?, 5 pp. Page 8 of 47
- ItemPA 1/16/2/6 - SWANU: The Epitome of Political Insolvency. (Refutation of statements against SWAPO by the South West Africa National Union), 1967? 9 pp
- ItemPA 1/16/2/7 - An Account of the Liberation Movement in South West Africa to the Socialist Baath Party and to the Government of the United Republic of Syria from the South West Africa People’s Organization (SWAPO). 1967, 6 pp.
- ItemPA 1/16/2/8 - Memorandum submitted by SWAPO to the OAU coordinating committee for the liberation of Africa. January 1967. 3 pp.
- ItemPA 1/16/2/9 - Memorandum Submitted by the South West Africa People’s Organization (SWAPO) to the AD HOC Committee for South West Africa. Signed by Gottfried Hage Geingob, February 14, 1967. 3 pp.
- ItemPA 1/16/2/10 - Statement by SWAPO before the United Nations Committee on Colonialism in Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania, June 1967. 13 pp.
- ItemPA 1/16/2/11 - The Statement by the South West Africa People’s Organization, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 23 June 1967. 3 pp.
- ItemPA 1/16/2/12 - SWAPO memorandum on the indictment of 37 SWAPO members appearing in the so-called Supreme Court of South Africa charged with “Terrorism” and “Sabotage”. Issued from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 18th September 1967. 6 pp., including unsigned cover letter
- ItemPA 1/16/2/13 - Memorandum submitted by SWAPO to the 5th Summit Conference of the OAU held in Congo Kinshasa, September 1967, 3 pp.
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