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- CollectionPA 3 - Tjitendero collection
- SubseriesPA 3/5/3 - GENERAL (OTHER)
- 245 more...
- ItemPA 3/5/3/246 - China: a general survey / Qi Wen. - Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1979. – 252 p.
- ItemPA 3/5/3/247 - Chiropractic: a modern way to health / Julius Dintenfass. - Revised and expanded edition - New York: Pyramid Books, 1966, 1970.
- ItemPA 3/5/3/248 - The book of shadows: a wizard's personal grimoire of chants, spells & invocations / Carl Nagel. - England: Finbarr International, 1986.
- ItemPA 3/5/3/249 - The Negro church in America / E. Franklin Frazier. - New York: Schocken Books, 1964. (A Schocken paperback series).
- ItemPA 3/5/3/250 - Malnourished people: a policy view / Alan Berg. - Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 1981. (Poverty and basic needs series).
- ItemPA 3/5/3/251 - Go tell it on the mountain / James Baldwin. - New York: Dell Publishing Co., Inc., 1953, 1952.
- ItemPA 3/5/3/252 - Torture through the ages / Bernhardt J. Hurwood. - London: Tandem Publishing Co., Ltd., 1969.
- ItemPA 3/5/3/253 - Of Plymouth plantation: the pilgrims in America / William Bradford. - New York: Capricorn Books, 1962.
- ItemPA 3/5/3/254 - History of the USSR: part III. - Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977.
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