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- FondsPA 4 - United Nations Institute for Namibia (UNIN) collection
- SubfondsPA 4/1 - NAMIBIANA
- SeriesPA 4/1/1 - Series A: BOOKS: Catalogued Namibiana [a UNIN-Lusaka series]
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- ItemPA 4/1/1/575(NAM 968.8 Lau) - LAU, Brigitte. SWA/NAMIBIA Records of government agencies. S2: South West Africa, SWA/N and Namibia. S2-02-02: SWA/Namibia government. Department of National Education. National Archives : Southern and central Namibia in Jonker Afrikaner's time / by Brigitte Lau. - Windhoek : National Archives, 1987.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/576(NAM 968.8 Lem) - LEMMER, Cecil Joseph Cloete; VEDDER, Heinrich; Miller, W. Baikie. 'n Geskiedenis van Suidwes-Afrika : 'n vry Afrikaanse verwerking van dr. H. Vedder seEinfhrung in die Geschichte Sdwestafrikas / deur C.J.C. Lemmer ; hersien an vergroot deur W. B. MillerDerde uitgawe. - Kaapstad : Unie-Volkspers, 1974.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/577(NAM 968.8 Len) - LENSSEN, H.E. Chronik von Deutsch-Sdwestafrika : eine kurzgefate Aufzhlung geschichtlicher Ereignisse aus der deutschen Kolonialzeit von 1883-1915 / gesammelt von H.E. Lenssen. - Windhoek : SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesselschaft, [1968].
- ItemPA 4/1/1/578(NAM 968.8 Les) - LESER, Hartmut. Namibia / Hartmut Leser. - Stuttgart : Klett, 1982.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/579(NAM 968.8 Let) - Let my country go! : letters to President Reagan / [foreword by Nahas Angula]. - Luanda :SWAPO Dept. of Information and Publicity, 1986.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/580(NAM 968.8 Lev) - LEVINSON, Olga. South West Africa / Olga Levinson. - Cape Town : Tafelberg, 1976.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/581(NAM 968.8 Lot) - LOTH, Heinrich. From insurrection to an organised liberation struggle : Namibia's struggle against racism, colonialism and imperialism / [Heinrich Loth].. - [Berlin] : Solidarity Committee of the German Democratic Republic, 1979.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/582(NAM 968.8 Lou) - LOUW, Walter. Owambo / by Walter Louw.. - Sandton : Southern African Freedom Foundation, 1977.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/583(NAM 968.8 Low) - LOWENSTEIN, Allard K. Brutal mandate : a journey to South West Africa / by Allard K. Lowenstein. - New York : Macmillan, 1962.
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