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- CollectionPA 3 - Tjitendero collection
- SeriesPA 3/6 - SERIALS
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- SubseriesPA 3/6/60 - Journal of African Studies. - Washington, D.C.: Heldref Publications, 1980.
- SubseriesPA 3/6/61 - The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science: power and social change. - Virginia: NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science, 1974.
- SubseriesPA 3/6/62 - Journal of Contemporary African Studies (JCAS). - Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa, 1981.
- SubseriesPA 3/6/63 - Journal of Indian Council for Africa: Africa quarterly. - Bombay: Harbans Lal Malhorta & Sons Private Ltd, 1970.
- SubseriesPA 3/6/64 - Journal of Southern African Studies. - London: Oxford University Press, 1977.
- SubseriesPA 3/6/65 - Kalahari/Namakwa-roete, Bylae tot Die Burger. - Upington: [s.n.], 1991.
- SubseriesPA 3/6/66 - KAS-Auslands-Informationen. - Bonn: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. Internationales Institut, 1990.
- SubseriesPA 3/6/67 - Korea today. - Pyongyang: The Foreign Language Magazines, 1992.
- SubseriesPA 3/6/68 - Kultur-ein Magazin aus der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. - Dresden: Verlag Zeit im Bild, 1985.
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