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- CollectionPA 5 - Henderson collection
- SeriesPA 5/5 - Newsletters
- ItemPA 5/5/1 - Departement van Nasionale Opvoeding, Newsletter, Vol.1, No.2, March 1990
- ItemPA 5/5/2 - EMIS Bulletin, Vol. 1, Number 1, Ministry of Education and Culture, March 1993
- ItemPA 5/5/3 - Geingob, Hage, Namibians Train for Tomorrow, UNESCO Courier, 1977
- ItemPA 5/5/4 - Harlech-Jones, Brian, Conflict or Resolution? Aspects of Language Politics in Namibia, Language Planning Newsletter, Vol. 7, No.3, March 1993
- ItemPA 5/5/5 - International Newsbriefing on Namibia. An Action for Namibia Publication. No. 64, Nov 1988.
- ItemPA 5/5/6 - IAI Bulletin. Director’s Report. International African Institute, Vol. 49, No. 4, 1979.
- ItemPA 5/5/7 - National Institute for Educational Development, Reform Forum; Journal for Educational Reform in Namibia, Vol. 1. No. 1 April 1994
- ItemPA 5/5/8 - Towards a Language Policy for Namibia. English as the Official Language: perspectives and strategies. United Nations Institute for Namibia, Lusaka, Zambia. 1981.
- ItemPA 5/5/9 - The Examinations Board for South West Africa, General Instructions, in the Gazette, Vol1, No1/84, Windhoek October 1984
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