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- CollectionPA 3 - Tjitendero collection
- SubseriesPA 3/5/3 - GENERAL (OTHER)
- ItemPA 3/5/3/1 - Graduate & professional school opportunities for minority students, 1973-74. – Fifth edition. - New Jersey: Educational Testing Service, 1973
- ItemPA 3/5/3/2 - Planning and organizing for teaching / John I. Goodlad. - Washington, D.C. : National Education Association, 1963.
- ItemPA 3/5/3/3 - An introduction to curriculum research and development: an Open University set book / Lawrence Stenhouse. - London: Heinemann Educational Books Ltd, 1975
- ItemPA 3/5/3/4 - Classroom questions: what kinds? / Norris M. Sanders. - New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1966.
- ItemPA 3/5/3/5 - New priorities in the curriculum / Louise M. Berman. - Columbus: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company, 1968
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