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- FondsPA 4 - United Nations Institute for Namibia (UNIN) collection
- SubfondsPA 4/1 - NAMIBIANA
- SeriesPA 4/1/2 - Series B: UN Records
- FilePA 4/1/2/35 - Various documents: 1981-1987
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- ItemPA 4/1/2/35/29 - Council for Namibia continues debate on situation in territory, hears reports on missions of consultation, NAM/851, 5 June 1985
- ItemPA 4/1/2/35/30 - Belgium and Norway to assist Namibians in SWAPO settlements in Angola, NAM/856, 17 July 1985
- ItemPA 4/1/2/35/31 - Council for Namibia condemns South African Regime for most recent acts of repression, NAM/855, 19 August 1985
- ItemPA 4/1/2/35/32 - High level mission of Council for Namibia holds consultation in Luanda with SWAPO leadership, NAM/871, 10 September 1985
- ItemPA 4/1/2/35/33 - Council for Namibia condemns South Africa’s attack against Angola, Nam/881, 19 September 1985
- ItemPA 4/1/2/35/34 - Acting president of United Nations Council for Namibia testifies at United State Congressional hearings, NAM/,4 November 1985
- ItemPA 4/1/2/35/35 - Council for Namibia condemns act of arson against National Council of Churches of Namibia Headquarters in Windhoek, NAM/889, 28 January 1986
- ItemPA 4/1/2/35/36 - Council for Namibia and Federal Republic of Germany issue joint statement following conclusion of Council’s mission of consultation, NAM/901, 16 May 1986
- ItemPA 4/1/2/35/37 - Fourteen more speakers address plenary session of conference for Namibia independence [5 copies], NAM/919, 9 July 1986
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