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- FondsPA 4 - United Nations Institute for Namibia (UNIN) collection
- SubfondsPA 4/1 - NAMIBIANA
- SeriesPA 4/1/3 - Series C: UN Council for Namibia records
- SubseriesPA 4/1/3/5 - Material relating to the Nationhood programme for Namibia
- FilePA 4/1/3/5/3 - 05-03: Individual Nationwood projects
- ItemPA 4/1/3/5/3/1 - 05-03-01: 78/004
- ItemPA 4/1/3/5/3/2 - 05-03-02: 78/005
- ItemPA 4/1/3/5/3/3 - 05-03-03: 78/007
- ItemPA 4/1/3/5/3/4 - 05-03-04: 78/008 Vocational Training Centre for Namibia, Sumbe, Angola- minutes of Board Meeting, 1985
- ItemPA 4/1/3/5/3/5 - 05-03-05: 79/003 Development Programme for Agriculturral Education, Namibia - Consultancy Report by Dr. Ayele Yeshewalul, 1984 (2 copies)
- ItemPA 4/1/3/5/3/6 - 05-03-06: 79/004 Agrarian Reform and Resettlement Programmes, Namibia, prepared by Bonifasi Tenesi (FAO Adviser), 1981 (2 copies)
- ItemPA 4/1/3/5/3/7 - 05-03-07: 79/007 Maritime Training and Harbour Survey, 1980
- ItemPA 4/1/3/5/3/8 - 05-03-08: 79/008 Civil Aviation Manpower Requirements, 1981
- ItemPA 4/1/3/5/3/9 - 05-03-09: 79/011 Namibia: An Energy Survey (Draft), 1985
- 12 more...